Friday, May 25, 2007

Day 8: 65 Pages and the Lack of Snacks

We have *no* chocolate in the house, which means I just ate a granola bar and I now feel like I swallowed plaster chunks. My kingdom for a cupcake. I'm going to lobby for a trip to Dairy Queen tonight.

Hit page 65 today, though the last two days have been slow going. I still think my sex scene changes the subject too quickly, and today's work involved some ornithology research (the bird science, not the Charlie Parker album). I'm also worried that I may be delving into too much backstory in this one section (more than seven pages worth now); I need to hurry up and get back to the 'dramatic tension.'

Perogi's hard at work on the Nylabone that I need to take away from her because it's too chewed up. We went for a short walk today because it was 90 degrees; I was so worried about her panting that I actually gave up a precious air-conditioning-free hour and turned it on for her. Now it's on for my furnace of a husband, and I'm chilly.

Have a good Memorial Day; I'll be back Wednesday with more from the novelicious front. Hmm, that might be a good name for a band...

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