Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Day 2: Dr. Novel and Mrs. Reality TV

Walked the dog early because of rainstorms on the way. Thought hard about what kind of a person I'd be if I broke off a branch from one of the lovely flowering trees around our apartment complex, went to a local gardening store and bought rooting hormone, and planted the anointed branch in a big pot to see what happens. Wrote seven pages, a number greatly inflated by cutting-and-pasting from an earlier draft, all of which is a scene in the hospital. I now have about 38 pages, or almost 12K words. I also, cannily enough, worked on a poem. Which makes sense in some ways, since I have a graduate degree in writing poetry.

Broke at six to make fake meatball sandwiches, and to think hard about finding a easy-threading sewing machine, because I think I'd like to make another t-shirt quilt, though I'm not sure how I'll do it without my Sewing Guru, Liz. Also ordered a small scrapbook from to hold pictures of my husband and I on our various adventures.

Wore a sunny yellow t-shirt today, of the sort which is tight enough and long enough, and that you can only get from old navy's website. I won't lie: I also watched America's Next Top Model (go Jaslene), and American Idol (go Blake). I'm not a junkie: we don't even have cable, but lawd if we did, there probably wouldn't even be a novel...just episodes of Designed to Sell and reruns of the movie Phenomenon over and over again...

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