Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Day 18: A little late tonight...

Writing here a bit later than usual...I got caught up in some things that needed to get done this afternoon when I finished writing, including taking The Pup to my parents' house because I have to grade placement exams all day tomorrow (again). It was good to talk to N. on the phone tonight; she will be an important reader in all of this.

I wrote about four pages today (about 1200 words), and I finally incorporated all of the material leftover from the earlier draft. I actually printed out the first four chapters, and am now deciding whether or not I'm ready to send it to friends for their feedback. It's *definitely* a first draft, and flipping through it in actual print, I definitely see some parts that need to change (too contrived, too dramatic, etc.). But, knowing that, do I go back and edit the hell out of it before I send it to friends, or should I get their baseline opinions first? I'll decide tomorrow.

I'll be back on Friday with more from the novel zone.

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